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000038_owner-lightwave-l _Fri Feb 3 05:53:58 1995.msg
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Date: Thu, 2 Feb 1995 23:36:03 -0600 (CST)
From: Polo Hurtado <lhurtado@spin.com.mx>
To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
Subject: PAR output
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Can anyone tell me how to send the PAR output to Toaster input 2???
I have tried several different options, and none of them have worked.
Now, my background is mostly 3D animation and video editing, as well as
PC consulting work, so go easy on me:
- I tried sending the ouput from the PAR direct to Input 2 on the
Toaster.... no go. Signal looks like needs reference.
- I tried sending the PAR output through the VCR by sending the PAR
output to the VCR input and then the VCR output to Toaster input
#2... no go. Signal looks like it still needs reference.
- Tried sending the Color Bar Generator output to Toaster input 1
and to TBC IV Genlock in. PAR output direct to Input 2 and same
problem persists.
What am I doing wrong? Keep in mind that I have the Y/C Plus board
installed in my Toaster machine, so I used Y/C cables for examples #1 &
#2, but used composite signals through BNC cables for example #3.
On the other hand, if y'all could tell me how to hook up the PAR (for
outputting animations), the TBC IV (for capturing live video mostly, with
the PAR) and the Toaster, I would REALLY appreciate it!
Sorry for taking up this cyberspace with all the questions but it's my
last resort before I go nuts!
Remember... "Two wrongs don't make a right,
but two Wrights made an airplane!"